We are happy to announce Apache Spark 2.1 release 2. You can download the parcel and apply it directly to provisioned clusters without disrupting your currently running Spark workloads.
This component is generally available and is supported on CDH 5.7 and all subsequent CDH 5.x releases.
Issues Fixed in Cloudera Distribution of Apache Spark 2.1 release 2
- [SPARK-22083][CORE] Release locks in MemoryStore.evictBlocksToFreeSpace
- [SPARK-20603][SS][TEST] Set default number of topic partitions to 1 to reduce the load
- [SPARK-21928][CORE] Set classloader on SerializerManager's private kryo
- [SPARK-20555][SQL] Fix mapping of Oracle DECIMAL types to Spark types in read path
- [SPARK-20848][SQL] Shutdown the pool after reading parquet files
For a full list of fixed issues, see the list here.
Download Cloudera Distribution of Apache Spark 2.1 release 2.
Read the documentation.
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