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[ANNOUNCE] New Cloudera ODBC 2.6.11 Driver for Apache Impala Released

Rising Star

We are pleased to announce the release of Cloudera ODBC 2.6.11 driver for Apache Impala.  The release has the following enhancements and fixes:


Enhancements and New Features

  • [IMP-659][00143882] Support for DML result set count The driver now reports the correct row count for DML results in server versions that return the correct row count information. Previously, the driver returned "-1". 

  • [IMP-783] Server-side properties configuration You can now configure server-side properties as driver-wide properties via the registry or the.impalaodbc.ini file. 

  • [IMP-786] Support for CDP 7.0 The driver now supports CDP 7.0.


Resolved Issues

  •  [IMP-662] [00173663] When an incorrect user ID or password is entered in SASL, the driver returns the error message "Error from the Impala Thrift API: No more data to read." This issue has been resolved. The driver now returns a more detailed error message. 

  • [IMP-691][00146553] The driver returns string data untruncated regardless of the value that the string column length is set to. This issue has been resolved. The driver now truncates the string data in the result set if the data exceeds the column length.

  • [IMP-789][00208980] The driver imposes a minimum (255) and maximum (32,767) character length for the StringColumnLength connection property. This issue has been resolved. The minimum limit has been set to 1 and values larger than 32,767 can now be set.


Known Issues

The following are known issues that you may encounter due to limitations in the data source, the driver, or an application. 


Limited Support for BINARY, DATE, and TIME data types.  

  • BINARY is not a supported data type in Impala. 

  • DATE is supported only when you connect to Impala version 3.3 or later.

  • As a result of the limitations above, some values of TIME data types are also not supported.


Workflow Changes

See the Release Notes for the list of upcoming workflow changes that may disrupt the established workflow of the drivers. 


Getting Started with the Cloudera Driver


As always, we welcome your feedback. Please send your comments and suggestions to the user group through our community forums. You can also file bugs through our external Jira projects on