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[ANNOUNCE] New Cloudera ODBC Connector 2.7.1 for Impala Released

Cloudera Employee

Hello CDH Users,

We are pleased to announce the release of the New Cloudera ODBC Connector 2.7.1 for Impala. This release has the following fixes and enhancements:

Enhancements & New Features

  •  [IMP-965] Multi-socket fetch support:   You can now retrieve multiple row sets from the server concurrently using multiple client connections. To do this, set EnableMultiSocketFetch to 1
  • [IMP-963] Improved fetch performance: The connector now has enhanced fetch performance
  • [IMP-976] Updated third-party library: The connector now uses libcURL 8.4.0. Previously, the connector used version 8.1.2

Resolved Issues

The following issue has been resolved in Cloudera ODBC Connector for Apache

  • [IMP-974] When authenticating with SAML and an Impala CDW cluster is configured to Active-Active HA mode, the connector returns an error 

Known Issues

The following are known issues that you may encounter due to limitations in the data source, the connector, or an application

  • [IMP-843][00294390] Limited support for query translation The connector does not support query translation if the query contains the "LIMIT x OFFSET y" syntax. 
  •  Limited support for BINARY, DATE, and TIME data types
    • BINARY is not a supported data type in Impala
    • DATE is supported only when you connect to Impala version 3.3 or later
    • As a result of the limitations above, some values of TIME data types are also not supported.

Getting Started with the Cloudera Driver

As always, we welcome your feedback. Please send your comments and suggestions to the user group or through our community forums.  You can also file bugs through our external JIRA projects on