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Announcing: Hive ODBC and Impala ODBC Drivers Released

Super Collaborator

We are pleased to announce the release of Hive ODBC v2.5.17 and Impala ODBC v2.5.31 drivers. This release has the following fixes and enhancements:

Hive ODBC v2.5.17

  • Support for Debian 6
  • Data encryption and integrity support for the SASL SSPI plugin
  • Optimized retrieval of result set schemas
  • Support for ODBC 3.80
  • Improved implementation of SQLCancel
  • Upgraded OpenSSL library
  • Upgraded ICU library
  • Issues resolved:
    • The driver returns incorrect ODBC error code for authentication-related errors.
    • When using the Windows version of the driver, a SideBySide error occurs due to a conflict in the OpenSSL and libcurl libraries being loaded.
    • When attempting to execute a non-parameterized write-back statement multiple times, the driver only executes the statement against Hive once.
    • The driver returns incorrect results for SET <property name> queries.
    • When connected to Hive 0.13 or earlier, the driver cannot insert result sets from queries into tables.
    • The driver does not correctly translate "INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE <table> PARTITION(...)SELECT ..." statements correctly.
    • DSN configurations cannot be saved when you are working as a non-administrator user.
    • When query execution results in a MapReduce error, the driver closes the current connection and opens a new one.
    • The driver terminates unexpectedly when preparing a parameterized INSERT statement.
    • The driver terminates unexpectedly when the application unloads the driver without closing all connections.


Impala ODBC v2.5.31

  • Automatic configuration of driver manager settings
  • Updated driver logging options

See the Release Notes for ODBC for details on all of the fixes.

Getting Started with the Cloudera Drivers


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