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CDH 5.5.5 Released

Rising Star

We are pleased to announce the release of CDH 5.5.5. This release fixes key bugs and includes the following:


  • FLUME-2918 - Speed up TaildirSource on directories with many files
  • HADOOP-12963 - Allow using path style addressing for accessing the s3 endpoint
  • HBASE-15811 - Batch Get after batch Put does not fetch all Cells
  • HDFS-9805 - Add server-side configuration for enabling TCP_NODELAY for DataTransferProtocol and default it to true
  • HDFS-10396 - Using -diff option with DistCp may get "Comparison method violates its general contract" exception
  • HIVE-11827 - STORED AS AVRO fails SELECT COUNT(*) when empty
  • HIVE-13527 - Using deprecated APIs in HBase client causes ZooKeeper connection leaks
  • HUE-3866 - [core] Hue CPU reaches ~100% usage while uploading files with SSL to HTTPFS/WebHDFS
  • MAPREDUCE-6473 - Job submission can take a long time during Cluster initialization
  • OOZIE-2345 - Parallel job submission for forked actions
  • SENTRY-1265 - Sentry service should not require a TGT as it is not talking to other Kerberos services as a client
  • SOLR-7178 - OverseerAutoReplicaFailoverThread compares Integer objects using ==
  • SQOOP-2846 - Sqoop Export with update-key failing for avro data file
  • YARN-5048 - DelegationTokenRenewer#skipTokenRenewal may throw NPE

For a full list of upstream JIRAs fixed in CDH 5.5.5, see the issues fixed section of the Release Notes.

We look forward to you trying it, using the information below:


As always, we are happy to hear your feedback. Please send your comments and suggestions to the user group or through our community forums. You can also file bugs through our external JIRA projects on