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Transition to private repositories for CDH, HDP and HDF

Community Manager

As part of the changes announced in October 2020, beginning in February 2021, no versions of Cloudera Manager, CDH, Apache Ambari, HDP and HDF releases will be available via Cloudera's public repositories.  Instead, all of the then-currently supported releases of Cloudera Manager, CDH, Ambari, HDP and HDF will be accessible only to active customers with valid subscription entitlements to these Cloudera products. This follows similar changes made for versions released since November 2019, which were never posted in Cloudera’s public repositories.  


Additionally, new patch releases of Cloudera Manager and Ambari have been made available and are required to access Cloudera’s private repositories, which now contain these new and existing releases. Versions other than those outlined below will no longer be able to install CDH, HDP or HDF from Cloudera’s public repositories.  Customers should strongly consider upgrading to one of the new Cloudera Manager or Ambari releases below as soon as possible, as well as updating any automated installation scripts with repository credentials and/or following the alternative steps described below.  These actions are required for any users wishing to perform future installations or upgrades, and for adding new hosts to an existing cluster using Cloudera Manager or Ambari. 


The following new and existing versions of Cloudera Manager (‘CM’) are able to install CDH and other software from Cloudera’s private repositories, by following the documented steps.


  • (new)
  • (new)
  • (new)
  • 6.3.3 and later

For Ambari users, in addition to Ambari 2.7.5, new releases of Ambari 2.6 and 2.7 have been provided, which have the ability to access Cloudera’s private repositories for HDP/HDF installation and upgrade.


The links below provide all the details required to update your environment. Please read all documentation carefully as your options differ depending on your existing deployment.  If you have questions about installation or your repository credentials, please contact Cloudera Support.  Cloudera Manager users can also generate repository credentials from a CDH license key here. Some Ambari users may have previously received an email from Cloudera Support with repository credentials or received credentials via a support case.  Otherwise, Ambari users should contact Cloudera Support and file a ‘non-technical’ support case to receive credentials.


If you are looking for a customer-specific CDH patch or HDP ‘hotfix’ build, these files are now located at<patch ID> and, respectively.  Use your repository credentials and existing patch ID or build number to locate your patch build within these folders.


If you are not yet a customer and interested in a subscription to any Cloudera Product, please contact the Cloudera sales team.


Instructions for CDH Customers

[Option A]: Installing CM and CDH via Cloudera’s private repository:

Cloudera Manager 5.x.

Cloudera Manager 6.x


[Option B]: Creating local repositories for installing CM and CDH:

Creating a local parcel repository



Creating a local package repository


Instructions for HDP/HDF Customers

[Option A]:Installing/upgrading Ambari & HDP via Cloudera’s private repository

Ambari 2.6.x.x and HDP










Ambari 2.7.x.x and HDP 3.x.x.x









[HDF Users]: Installing HDF from Cloudera’s private repository:


HDF  3.4.x


HDF 3.3.x



HDF 3.2.x


[Option B]: Creating a local repository for HDP:


Ambari 2.7.x.x: 

Ambari 2.6.x.x: