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4 Required subjects before upgrade


we are in the stage before the upgrade , ( but we see 4 requirements that need to be solve )

message is - You must meet these requirements before you can proceed.




but the requirement not really true

we check the services and we not found any service that is in maintenance mode

second all services in the clsuter are started and up

and nothing that described in requirements is true

so my question is

what we can do in this stage ?

we cant do upgrade! ,

and actually we cant uninstall because we not see any option to uninstall !!!

please advice regarding this case


Master Mentor

@Michael Bronson
I see 4 messages in your Initial Issue description.


Verify Cluster Components Exist In Target Repository 

This kind of message can appear while starting upgrades if we have installed some custom services to our cluster which are not part of the HDP version that we are going to install. For example if you have some third party services installed in your cluster which are not coming from HDP repo then you will have to remove them before you begin the HDP upgrade.


All service components must be installed 

This messages indicates that you might have some services installed to your cluster which migth have some components in "INSTALL_FAILED" state.

# curl -u admin:admin -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -X GET

If you find any component in install failed state then please install them properly before starting the upgrade.

In some cases it might happen if the clients components might not be installed on few cluster hosts. So please check if you have CLIENT components installed properly on your cluster nodes. If not then use the following API aapproach to install the CLIENTs to your cluster nodes. (or install them using Ambari UI)


No Service can be in maintenance mode.

You can not start HDP upgrade if any of your service is in Maintenance mode so please run the following API call before upgrading HDp to findout if there are any Services in Maintenance Mode or not? Also similar approach you will need to use to check that all Host Components are also not in Maintenance Mode .

# curl -u admin:admin -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -X GET


All Services must be started.

This message indicates that we can not start HDP component upgrades before all the components are already in running state. So we need to make sure that all the components / services are in Started stated. Also please make sure that we must run all the service checks successfully before we begin the HDP component upgrade to verify that all the components are in healthy state..

View solution in original post



@Jay my feeling is that the requirements not reflect the real situation of the cluster , as you see from my results there are no failed services/components or maintenance mode or services that not start , this is very very not make sense , , second why ambari GUI not have option to fallback ? , this must be basic when we want to fallback because problems ,


Master Mentor

@Michael Bronson

I will suggest to do a "Stop All" and "Start All" for all services from ambari UI and then try again

We must see some errors/warning in ambari server log or in agent logs ... to understand why The false Warnings are being shown in the UI. Or may be the DB inconsistency would have caused it.


Jay , thank you I will do , second do you know any procedure for uninstall ? ( ambari GUI not have this ) , what is option is to remove all new rpm's that installed ( I can see the new rpm's from yum history on each machine ) , but any way we need approved procedure


Master Mentor

@Michael Bronson

From Ambari side currently we only have features to remove the OLD stacks, as mentioned in the following JIRA and HCC thread:

But if you want to remove the *all new rpm's* then ambari does not provide that option. You will have to rely on the yum command itself and try something like:

Please be careful with the following command before running the below one. I am assuming you have the new HDP RPMs version as "" then you might want to try something like following ( -y option at the end of below command will make it non interactive mode)

# yum remove "**"


@Jay regarding the problem , I see in amnari-server log the following : (invalid VDF)

as you know we use API to upgrade the HDP and when we do the API without ambari upgrade then evrything is OK

the problem is upgrading by API after ambari upgrade , what is your opinion?

<br>20 Mar 2018 09:58:32,393 ERROR [ambari-client-thread-973] CheckHelper:109 - Check COMPONENTS_INSTALLATION failed
org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException: Unable to run upgrade checks because of an invalid VDF
        at org.apache.ambari.server.checks.AbstractCheckDescriptor.getServicesInUpgrade(
        at org.apache.ambari.server.checks.ComponentsInstallationCheck.perform(
        at org.apache.ambari.server.state.CheckHelper.performChecks(
        at org.apache.ambari.server.controller.internal.PreUpgradeCheckResourceProvider.getResources(
        at org.apache.ambari.server.controller.internal.ClusterControllerImpl$ExtendedResourceProviderWrapper.queryForResources(
        at org.apache.ambari.server.controller.internal.ClusterControllerImpl.getResources(
        at org.apache.ambari.server.api.query.QueryImpl.doQuery(
        at org.apache.ambari.server.api.query.QueryImpl.queryForResources(
        at org.apache.ambari.server.api.query.QueryImpl.execute(
        at org.apache.ambari.server.api.handlers.ReadHandler.handleRequest(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

20 Mar 2018 09:56:42,162 ERROR [ambari-client-thread-888] CheckHelper:76 - Unable to determine whether the pre-upgrade check SERVICES_RANGER_PASSWORD_VERIFY is applicable to this upgrade
org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException: Unable to run upgrade checks because of an invalid VDF


Master Mentor

@Michael Bronson

As the error says invalid VDF so it is better to check if there is any issue with the VDF before proceeding with the upgrade.

Unable to run upgrade checks because of an invalid VDF


Master Mentor

@Michael Bronson

Inside ambari DB you can find the following entry to see your VDF

# SELECT version_xml FROM repo_version;



OK , but how to check it , location?



@Jay can we search this file on ambari server machine?



@Jay I see the fine on ambari server - /var/www/html/HDP/centos7/ , and file isn't empty , and looks ok , so what we can do else?
