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AWS Secret Manager

New Contributor

Can I know how to fetch AWS secret manager credentials with NiFi? Which processor I have to use? Even though there is a controller called "AwsSecretsManagerParameterProvider" where do I need to use this?


My requirement is to connect with the AWS hosted Database



@DTM You are correct, to use an AWS credentials in nifi, you need to use the Controller Service.   This controller service is then referenced by processors as a drop down menu for AWS Credentials Provider Service.  If one does not exist in the drop down you can chose to create it.


An example of one such processor is GetDynamoDB but there are many.  Just search AWS in the processor search box to find all aws related processors.

New Contributor

@steven-matison Thank you very much for your response. Yes, GetDynamoDB processor can use that controller. But my problem is there is no any processor to have that controller mapped for Postgres DB hosted in AWS. Do you have any suggestion to get AWS secret manager credentials to connect with Postgres DB. I can't use DBConnectPool here.




@DTM In that case you would need to use the DatabaseConnectionPool and jdbc to aws postgres.  This will require permissions to allow nifi network to speak to RDS endpoint.  If you cant use DBCP,  you will have to put something between the RDS and nifi.  For example nifi could use invokeHTTP to send/post data to an ec2 instance with some kind of API that can do the connectivity.