Created 10-20-2016 03:30 PM
I had a hard time finding a way to add a tag/traits in Atlas by using the REST API.
Here is a solution:
POST http://{YOUR IP ADRESS}:21000/api/atlas/entities/{GUID FOR ENTITY}/traits/
BODY {"jsonClass":"org.apache.atlas.typesystem.json.InstanceSerialization$_Struct","typeName":"PII","values":{}}
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -d '{"jsonClass":"org.apache.atlas.typesystem.json.InstanceSerialization$_Struct","typeName":"PII","values":{}}' ""
Created 12-21-2016 12:50 AM
Thanks @Anders Boje
Below are some additional examples:
Let's suppose we want to annotate a table (GUID f4019a65-8948- 46f1-afcf-545baa2df99f) with the Trait PublicData to indicate it is a data asset that is created by crawling public sites. Also, suppose that we want to set a "Retainable" trait on the column family contents (GUID 9e6308c6-1006-48f8-95a8-a605968e64d2) with a retention period of 100 days.
The following are the requests to send:
POST http://<atlas-server-host:port>/api/atlas/entities/f4019a65-8948-46f1-afcf- 545baa2df99f/traits BODY { "jsonClass":"org.apache.atlas.typesystem.json.InstanceSerialization$_Struct", "typeName":"PublicData", "values":{} }
POST http://<atlas-server-host:port>/api/atlas/entities/9e6308c6-1006-48f8-95a8- a605968e64d2/traits BODY { "jsonClass":"org.apache.atlas.typesystem.json.InstanceSerialization$_Struct", "typeName":"Retainable", "values":{"retentionPeriod":"100" } }
@Stig Hammeken
To associate a Term/Taxonomy to an entity use the below
POST http://<atlas-server-host:port>/api/atlas/v1/entities/{entity_guid}/tags/{fully_qualified_name_of_te...
for example:
POST http://<atlas-server-host:port>/api/atlas/v1/entities/f4019a65-8948-46f1-afcf-545baa2df99f/tags/d.te...
You can get the "fully_qualified_name_of_term" using:
#Listing all terms under the Catalog Taxonomy GET http://<atlas-server-host:port>/api/atlas/v1/taxonomies/Catalog/terms #Listing all terms under a given Term GET http://<atlas-server-host:port>/api/atlas/v1/taxonomies/Catalog/terms/term_name/terms/.../terms/term...
Created 12-20-2016 12:27 PM
Thanks Anders. It works fine, but not if the tag i a business term (tag) a trait type (super typer) "TaxonomyTerm". The REST interface respond with a "Error deserializing trait instance". Any idea how I add a Business Term to an Entity?
Created 12-21-2016 12:50 AM
Thanks @Anders Boje
Below are some additional examples:
Let's suppose we want to annotate a table (GUID f4019a65-8948- 46f1-afcf-545baa2df99f) with the Trait PublicData to indicate it is a data asset that is created by crawling public sites. Also, suppose that we want to set a "Retainable" trait on the column family contents (GUID 9e6308c6-1006-48f8-95a8-a605968e64d2) with a retention period of 100 days.
The following are the requests to send:
POST http://<atlas-server-host:port>/api/atlas/entities/f4019a65-8948-46f1-afcf- 545baa2df99f/traits BODY { "jsonClass":"org.apache.atlas.typesystem.json.InstanceSerialization$_Struct", "typeName":"PublicData", "values":{} }
POST http://<atlas-server-host:port>/api/atlas/entities/9e6308c6-1006-48f8-95a8- a605968e64d2/traits BODY { "jsonClass":"org.apache.atlas.typesystem.json.InstanceSerialization$_Struct", "typeName":"Retainable", "values":{"retentionPeriod":"100" } }
@Stig Hammeken
To associate a Term/Taxonomy to an entity use the below
POST http://<atlas-server-host:port>/api/atlas/v1/entities/{entity_guid}/tags/{fully_qualified_name_of_te...
for example:
POST http://<atlas-server-host:port>/api/atlas/v1/entities/f4019a65-8948-46f1-afcf-545baa2df99f/tags/d.te...
You can get the "fully_qualified_name_of_term" using:
#Listing all terms under the Catalog Taxonomy GET http://<atlas-server-host:port>/api/atlas/v1/taxonomies/Catalog/terms #Listing all terms under a given Term GET http://<atlas-server-host:port>/api/atlas/v1/taxonomies/Catalog/terms/term_name/terms/.../terms/term...
Created 12-22-2016 02:24 PM
Thank you Eyad you nailed it for me:-)
API "Tags" = Business Term
API "Traits" = Tag
Created 12-22-2016 02:27 PM
Actually you mean:
API "Terms" = Business Term
API "Traits" = Tag