I have a running HDP 2.5 cluster in AWS, and want to add a few hosts to it from our in-house DC for the sole purpose of having the relevant configuration files to connect to different Hadoop components. No other services will be installed on those hosts.
The hosts have ambari-agent running, I can see that they are known from ambari by looking at /var/log/ambari-server/ambari-server.log
Trying to add them from ambari fails, with the 'helpful' error message:
Registering with the server...
Registration with the server failed.
I cannot find more useful info in /var/log.
Those hosts are thus in another DC, and cannot be accessible directly from outside (they only have private IP addresses, but can connect to outside, including ambari). Is it possible to still add them? If not, is there any workaround to achieve what I am trying to do?