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Adding multiple host while on install options step of ambari server

Rising Star

I am setting up a 3 node cluster using HDP 2.3 stack and ambari 2.2.0. While, on the step to install options. As I understand i need to state the FQDNS of all the 3 nodes (FQDNs of 3 vsphere VMs in my case). In the Target Hosts text box I am entering I 3 nodes FQDNs each on a new line, But what do I do about the key? I mean, how do I paste or select the SSH-private key for all the 3 hosts. I only get an option to select one, because of which one gets successfully installed, and the other 2 fail.


Master Mentor

Master Mentor

Master Mentor

@Kunal Gaikwad Can you close the thread by accepting one of the answers if its resolved?

Master Mentor

@Kunal Gaikwad I can see that you were able to install the cluster. Please accept one of the answers to close the thread.

Master Mentor

@Kunal Gaikwad

Find attached below a step to step setup walk through


@Kunal Gaikwad ensure that before you start the installation, the nodes in the cluster can do a password less ssh across. Ie generate a ssh in the Ambari Server and then copy the same across all the nodes [including Ambari server if you want some services to be installed]. Then you just have to copy this ssh key during installation. If you do not want to have the same ssh, then you have to do a manual registration - ie install amabri-agent manually on the nodes and then proceed further.


Before installation ensure that on all server firewall should be disable or rules should be configured and ntp service also on .