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Adding new host to cluster, wrong repo showing up


I have an Ambari cluster that has 12 members, and I want to add another one.  All O/S are CentOS 7.9, Ambari 2.7.5, HDP 3.1.5.


The host that I want to add to the cluster can't get to the internet, so I added /etc/yum.repos.d/ambari-hdp-1.repo to it.  Contents of that file have entries for HDP, HDP-GPL, and HDP-UTILS on the Ambari master.  The directories exist on the Ambari master, and I can browse to them.  "yum repolist" on that host lists the repos as expected.


When I invoke the Add New Host wizard, it successfully finds the host and says the SSH key is valid.  When I get to the final page of the wizard (right before deploy), it lists the repositories it's going to pull files from.  The repo for HDP-GPL shows the HortonWorks (internet) repo instead of the local repo I put in the host's repo file listed above.  At this point, I cancel out of the wizard.


What step(s) do I need to take to get that repo changed?  Please advise when you can.


Thanks in advance,



Cloudera Employee

Hello Mike, 

You could just set the repositories from the manage Repository so it will be applicable for all the hosts. 

Keeping only for one host will not work, as Ambari will overwrites it again and again. 

So if you want to move to Local repositry. 

Go to Ambari - Stack and Version ->  Manage Version - >  Check for your version and Edit the repository. 



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