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After upgrading to Ambari .2.2.1 container-executor.cfg is always overwritten by a template container-executor.cfg.j2


After upgrading to Ambari 2.2.1 When restarting NodeManager ambari overwrites the container-executor.cfg with a template in file container-executor.cfg.j2 .

This template is wrong and causing the yarn to failed any job because the min user is 1000.


Master Guru

It's not recommended to change banned.users and allowed.system.user for security reasons. It's always a good idea to run Yarn jobs as an end user. It's like when you have real users on the cluster, you create their accounts and let them login and run their apps. yarn user is used to manage Yarn, for example by running "yarn rmadmin" and other such commands. If nevertheless you want to try, the only way is to edit the cfj.j2 file located at /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/common-services/YARN/

View solution in original post


Master Guru

Hi @Ran Postar You can reduce "Minimum user ID for submitting job" (min_user_id) in yarn-env in Ambari->Yarn from default 1000 to a smaller value, for example 500. The value is referenced as{{min_user_id}} in container-executor.cfg.j2 and it should work.


Hey @Predrag Minovic, thanks for the quick replay.

How can I add allowed.system.users=yarn,admin , and change the banned.users .

Master Guru

It's not recommended to change banned.users and allowed.system.user for security reasons. It's always a good idea to run Yarn jobs as an end user. It's like when you have real users on the cluster, you create their accounts and let them login and run their apps. yarn user is used to manage Yarn, for example by running "yarn rmadmin" and other such commands. If nevertheless you want to try, the only way is to edit the cfj.j2 file located at /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/common-services/YARN/