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Ambari keeps old version as current after rolling upgrade 100%

Rising Star

Rolling upgrade is 100%, but Ambari still keeps the older version as current, and new version as "upgrade in progress", any idea? it is Ambari 2.1.1, upgrading from HDP 2.2.0 to 2.2.8.


New Contributor

You can finalize the upgrade using:

ambari-server set-current --cluster-name=$CLUSTERNAME \

If an automatic upgrade using Ambari seems incomplete, the documentation for the manual upgrade is a good reference for what you may need to follow up with:

View solution in original post


New Contributor

You can finalize the upgrade using:

ambari-server set-current --cluster-name=$CLUSTERNAME \

If an automatic upgrade using Ambari seems incomplete, the documentation for the manual upgrade is a good reference for what you may need to follow up with:


If you still run into issues, most likely one of the hosts still has components on an older version. You can triage these by running some SQL queries, found here

For the problematic hosts, make sure to call hdp-select set <comp> <version>, and then restart them (using Ambari if you can; if they get queued, there are ways to "pause" the Rolling Upgrade so that other actions can still run.) In the worst case, you can always update the database manually, or use RU Magician, as described in the link above.

-- Check the repo version state SELECT rv.version, cv.state
FROM repo_version rv 
JOIN cluster_version cv ON rv.repo_version_id = cv.repo_version_id 
ORDER BY rv.version ASC; 

-- Check the hosts SELECT rv.version, h.host_name, hv.state 
FROM repo_version rv 
JOIN host_version hv ON rv.repo_version_id = hv.repo_version_id 
JOIN hosts h ON hv.host_id = h.host_id 
ORDER BY rv.version ASC, h.host_name; 

-- Find the components on the wrong version, 
-- call "hdp-select set <comp> <version>", check the config symlinks, and restart them manually
SELECT hcs.service_name, hcs.component_name, h.host_name, hcs.version 
FROM hostcomponentstate hcs 
JOIN hosts h ON hcs.host_id = h.host_id 
ORDER BY hcs.version ASC, hcs.service_name, hcs.component_name, h.host_name;