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Ambari server installation on Centos 7 with python3

New Contributor



I want to install ambari server on centos 7 where it should use python3 not python 2.



can any one suggest how can i do that ..


Super Guru

Python 3 is not supported by any versions of Ambari.


You can reference the following posts for more information:



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Steven @ DFHZ

New Contributor

Is it possible that by changing python scripts of ambari server from python 2 to python3 can we install ambari successfully ?


or is there any possible way like by using virtual environment etc


please advise


Super Guru

@devops there are some informations around the internet for work arounds making ambari think python 2 is really python 3, but the short answer is above. Please accept the answer.  The workaround just creates more problems than it solves.   Python 3 was never finished in Ambari, and it doesn't look like it will ever be improved for python 3.  In the same high level conversation, the version of java supported is now similarly antiquated.