Created 12-08-2020 02:41 AM
how to get credentials for accessing :- |
Note: i am new user and i need credentials to access.
Created 12-11-2020 09:32 AM
Created 12-11-2020 08:56 AM
@niteshregmi You need a valid subscription to access those repo.
Take a look of this page to understand more about the paywall :
Once you have the valid subscription means license key then you can generate the credentials using this page:
The only you can access these URLs else you need to try the CDP from here.
Created 12-11-2020 09:27 AM
Thanks for the reply ..
This means that i have to buy the subscription to access the Hortonworks data platform for the new versions?
I.e its now the paid version yes ??
Created 12-11-2020 09:32 AM