I am trying to figure out the Apache Atlas Common Library for my Spring Boot project. To be honest, I am having a really hard time finding any documentation on this library. But, I import it in my Pom file like this:
I am trying to create a relationship between two entities. I know I can do this with the REST API, like this:
"typeName": "MyRealtionshipName",
"end1": {
"guid": "c69933db-f0b5-4f9a-99d9-b5f950f58b4f",
"typeName": "myentitytype_1",
"uniqueAttributes": {
"qualifiedName": "obj1@id@myentitytype_1"
"end2": {
"guid": "9ca8259f-673e-4dc5-80f2-67c8e6487cf4",
"typeName": "myentitytype_2",
"uniqueAttributes": {
"qualifiedName": "obj1@myentitytype_2"
"label": "r:MyNewRelationship",
"propagateTags": "NONE"
But, I want to do this through the Apache Atlas library. I cannot find any documentation on how to do this. Can anyone assist and/or provide documentation? On the library side, I am able to create entities like this:
private final AtlasClientV2 atlasClient;
AtlasService() {
atlasClient = new AtlasClientV2(new String[]{"http://localhost:21000"}, new String[]{"admin", "admin"});
public EntityMutationResponse createNewEntity(myOBj obj) throws AtlasServiceException {
AtlasEntity newEntity= new AtlasEntity();
newEntity.setAttribute("id", myOBj.getId());
newEntity.setAttribute("name", myOBj.getName());
AtlasEntity.AtlasEntitiesWithExtInfo entitesToCreate = new AtlasEntity.AtlasEntitiesWithExtInfo();
EntityMutationResponse entitiesCreated = atlasClient.createEntities(entitesToCreate);
//create relationship between this newEntity and a previously created entity with a given GUID