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Apache Knox Configuration for LDAP username & password?



My Apache Hadoop(not using HDP & Cloudera frameworks ) is running fine in fully distributed mode. I have also installed Apache Knox also. In command line i have checked it using jps. Its working fine.

~]# jps

13829 NameNode

14950 DataNode

15478 ResourceManager

6262 Jps

15591 NodeManager

15228 SecondaryNameNode

7998 ldap.jar

Now where & in which file of Knox should i configure the LDAP username & password?

How can i use Apache Knox with Hive, Sqoop etc.

Thanks in Advance.

Thanks & Regards




The LDAP configuration goes in the topology files. These are located in <GATEWAY_HOME>/conf/topologies. Out of the box there is a topology file named sandbox.xml with some sample configuration. That would need to be modified to integrate with a different LDAP or ActiveDirectory. The ldap.jar that you show running is a demo LDAP server that is provided with Knox that is not intended for production environments. If you haven't seen the Knox User's Guide you should check that out: for more information about configuring things.

View solution in original post



The LDAP configuration goes in the topology files. These are located in <GATEWAY_HOME>/conf/topologies. Out of the box there is a topology file named sandbox.xml with some sample configuration. That would need to be modified to integrate with a different LDAP or ActiveDirectory. The ldap.jar that you show running is a demo LDAP server that is provided with Knox that is not intended for production environments. If you haven't seen the Knox User's Guide you should check that out: for more information about configuring things.


Dear Kevin,

Thanks for your response. I will go through the user-guide once again & get back to you if any more help required.

Thanks & Regards



Dear Kevin,

I have following doubts in knox user guide:


7 - Start Knox

I have executed the "bin/ start" but i am getting response as"This command bin/ must not be run as root."

knox]# bin/ start

This command bin/ must not be run as root.


8 - Do Hadoop with Knox

Invoke the LISTSTATUS operation on WebHDFS via the gateway.

let me know what do this "Invoke the LISTSTATUS operation on WebHDFS via the gateway" mean? And how do i execute it curl -i -k -u guest:guest-password -X GET \

'https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox/webhdfs/v1/?op=LISTSTATUS'. ?

If you have knox integration with open Apache Hadoop, Please share it.

Thanks & Regards



@Sushil Kumar < If the answers below don't address your questions can you be more specific? For the "This command bin/ must not be run as root." issue you should either not be logged in as root or you should execute the command as a different user via sudo (e.g. su -l knox -c "bin/ start") For the "integration with open Apache Hadoop" you just need to modify the topology files (e.g. conf/topologies/sandbox.xml) to match the network locations for your installation.

New Contributor

@sushil: Please visit below site which has instructions how to install knox and access cluster using demo ldap server