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Apache NiFi load balancing queue issue

New Contributor

Hello everyone, 

Recently, we've decided to try out the load balancing feature in our NiFi 1.15 cluster and we've run into the following issue.

16 flow files got stuck in a queue that had load balancing switched on. On the connection, I can see that there are 16 flow files and about 70 MB of data. However, when I try to list that queue, it says that it's empty and when I try to empty it, it says that 0 out of 16 flow files were removed.

What's more, event after switching the load balancing feature off everywhere, it still continuously prints the following two errors in the log:

Failed to communicate with Peer node001:8443 when load balancing data for Connection with ID a3f7a255-0184-1000-ffff-fffffe4ef3af due to Encountered End-of-File when trying to verify with Peer node001:8443 whether or not space is available in Connection a3f7a255-0184-1000-ffff-fffffe4ef3af

Failed to receive FlowFiles for Load Balancing due to org.apache.nifi.controller.queue.clustered.server.TransactionAbortedException: Attempted to receive FlowFiles from Peer node001 for Connection with ID a3f7a255-0184-1000-ffff-fffffe4ef3af but no Connection exists with that ID

At this point, we have decided that we are not going to use load balancing until the cluster gets updated to 1.17, however, we would very much like to get rid of those problematic flow files and continuous error messages. Is this a know issue?


New Contributor

Hi @AlexLasecki !

Did you ever find a solution for this please? 
