Created 01-26-2018 09:06 AM
Hey there,
I'm trying to use Spark2 with Livy in Apache Zeppelin. But sadly I can get it to work, because the Livy session always shuts down with the error that it can't initialize the SparkContext. I can't seem to find the problem.
The YARN resource manager doesn't even gets a request to start an application (as far as I can see in the logs), so I don't think the problem lies there. Also all other applications work just fine with YARN, including Spark submit and shell requests.
Here is the livy.conf:
livy.environment production livy.impersonation.enabled true livy.repl.enableHiveContext true livy.rsc.rpc.server.address livy.server.csrf_protection.enabled true livy.server.port 8999 livy.server.recovery.mode recovery livy.server.recovery.state-store filesystem livy.server.recovery.state-store.url /livy2-recovery livy.server.session.timeout 3600000 livy.spark.master yarn livy.superusers zeppelin, livy
I included the stderr log for the failed attempt.
I would appreciate any help with this problem.
Best regards,
Created 01-27-2018 10:34 AM
I could see the following in the error log:
ERROR: User: livy is not allowed to impersonate admin
Looks like your hadoop cluster is a secure one. You need to grant livy the ability to impersonate as the originating user. You need to add two properties to core-site.xml. Take a look at this guide.
Created 05-05-2019 03:47 AM
Can you please let us know which spark and zeppelin version you are using?
Is Kerberos is enabled in you cluster ?
Below are few things to check to resolve this issue :
1)Make sure you configured and in (hdfs->
Make sure they are configure to * for livy
2)Also you need to configure livy.superuser in your Livy interpreter too.
3)Yarn Queue access ?
4)if ranger is enabled , please make sure you have access to YARN queqe
Hope this helps