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Are there other spatial frameworks that can work with ESRI Spatial Framework and Hive and provide the missing functions in ESRI framework for Hadoop


Are there other spatial frameworks that can work with ESRI Spatial Framework and Hive and provide the missing functions in ESRI framework for Hadoop?


Super Guru

@Mahipal Ramidi

I assume you mean functions missing or having a different behavior documented here: Their number is not that high. I think that is more pragmatic to either contribute to ESRI open source project ( and maybe others will contribute too as such that everybody wins. Other option, is to write yourself the a few functions missing, or convince ESRI to add the missing functions. Adding another framework into the mix can complicate your implementation. You could have a small SQL Server database where these functions are available, pre-process the data before bring it to Hive and denormalize your tables to add those columns needed for missing functions.

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Super Guru

@Mahipal Ramidi

I assume you mean functions missing or having a different behavior documented here: Their number is not that high. I think that is more pragmatic to either contribute to ESRI open source project ( and maybe others will contribute too as such that everybody wins. Other option, is to write yourself the a few functions missing, or convince ESRI to add the missing functions. Adding another framework into the mix can complicate your implementation. You could have a small SQL Server database where these functions are available, pre-process the data before bring it to Hive and denormalize your tables to add those columns needed for missing functions.