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Atlas Metadata Server Was Not Starting ?


I am unable to start atlas metadata server...i tired all the solutions that i seen in the community page but still i am unable to resolve it..

my hbase,atlas infra and all the components in the ambari are running except atlas metadata server...

i tried with atlas.war and i have files, in the respective folders...

please help to resolve it...



its 8gb...past few days it was working fine with the same amount of ram...


I am curious, how about solr, does it need to be up and running before Atlas comes up? Or only Hbase?

@M Sainadh

You'd need Ambari Infra , Hbase and Kafka up and running to be able to bring Atlas service up and running.

ERROR Java::OrgApacheHadoopHbaseIpc::RemoteWithExtrasException: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PleaseHoldException: Master is initializing

This says that the hbase not in healthy state. Do check if all the Region servers are up and running. If everything is good we'd need to take a look at hbase master logs and whats wrong there.