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Best Practice - JSON to Avro, data type preserving

Super Collaborator

Hi All, What is the best approach to convert a JSON to AVRO preserving the source datatypes. My source JSON has a field with timestamp (value would look like 2017-01-26T00:00:00-05:00) which I need to eventually insert to a hive table with column type timestamp. When I infer the schema, I get String for the timestamp field. Is there some pre-formatting that I can do on the timestamp field so that it gets inferred as timestamp field. Current flow is as below - JSON>>AVRO(infer/manually add schema)>>Streaming Insert to hive


New Contributor

Can u please help on when we convert json to avro format how can we define logicaltype in avro

New Contributor

While converting from json to avro format,how to get logicaltype in avro format.

And to get logicaltype in avro format,what we need to add in json data .

Rising Star

Here's an exmaple of what a Timestamp schema entry would look like:

{ "type": "record",

"namespace": "test",

"name": "test1",

"fields": [

{ "name": "ID", "type": "string" },

{ "name": "V", "type": "float" },

{ "name": "T", "type":

{ "type": "long", "logicalType": "timestamp-millis" }

} ]


Super Collaborator
@Arun A K

why not use an the new Record oriented processors, store the schema locally in nifi using the avroschemaregistry.

Super Collaborator

Thanks @Karthik Narayanan, I can use them now, but the question was when we had not released NiFi 1.2

Super Collaborator

as per the avro doc, timestamp-millis is a logicaltype, so you have to use something like this...

{"name":"timestamp","type": {"type": "string", "logicalType": "timestamp-millis"}

see if that works.

Super Collaborator

Thanks @Karthik Narayanan, same reason that I was on a NiFi that had Avro 1.7 the logicalType doesn't work. If I remember correctly, it threw an invalid avro schema error.

Super Collaborator

hmm, strange which version of nifi were you on?

Super Collaborator

@Karthik Narayanan it was NiFi 1.1 and looking at the pom.xml, I am assuming there is an avro 1.7 dependency. The logical time stamp stuff was introduced in avro 1.8