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Bug? NiFi ListFile processor works only one time after I change its configuration


I have set up a simple flow in NiFi 1.1.2:

  • ListFile -> (success) -> FetchFile
  • ListFile reads /vagrant/testData folder. Running on primary NiFi node only. I have not changed any different settings than these two (directory to observe, execution scheduling)
  • FetchFile moves the file to /vagrant/testData2. That's all.

To reproduce the bug(?):

  1. Start the flow, do not have any files in the input directory
  2. Put a file into input directory
  3. File will be moved as expected -- this is correct behavior so far
  4. Move another file into the directory (different file name)
  5. You can wait 5 minutes, but the file will not be found by the ListFile processor anymore
  6. Stop ListFile processor
  7. Change a setting, for example "Recurse Subdirectories" to false
  8. Start ListFile processor again
  9. The second file you put into the input directory will now be moved to output directory
  10. Put a third file into the input folder --> nothing will happen again.

Is this a known issue? How to fix it?


@Jody H

Here is a link to another question about the ListFile processor. I think you might be seeing the same behavior. ListFile processor

View solution in original post


@Jody H

Here is a link to another question about the ListFile processor. I think you might be seeing the same behavior. ListFile processor


Thanks for the quick input - my question got resolved by the link you added. @Matt Clarke writes: "A move operation typically does not update the timestamp, but a copy will.". For my system on Ubuntu 14.04, I need to change the content of the files (i.e. with gedit).

When I solely copy the file in a different folder, rename it, copy with ctrl+c and paste it into the input directory with ctrl+v, the ListFile processor will not list the added file. It works when the file is changed. I guess this behavior should only occur when testing the processor with the same static file like I did...