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CCA 175 - Can we use Eclipse for Hands-on Questions in Certification

New Contributor



There are no specific details of the Sandbox / environment that will be provided for CCA 175 Certification exam.


Will it have eclipse IDE or we need to use command prompt for running Map Reduce Java programs ?





Super Collaborator


CCA175 is a hands-on, practical exam using Cloudera technologies. Each user is given their own CDH5 (currently 5.3.2) cluster pre-loaded with Spark, Impala, Crunch, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Kafka, Flume, Kite, Hue, Oozie, DataFu, and many others (See a full list). In addition the cluster also comes with Python (2.6 and 3.4), Perl 5.10, Elephant Bird, Cascading 2.6, Brickhouse, Hive Swarm, Scala 2.11, Scalding, IDEA, Sublime, Eclipse, and NetBeans.

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Super Collaborator


CCA175 is a hands-on, practical exam using Cloudera technologies. Each user is given their own CDH5 (currently 5.3.2) cluster pre-loaded with Spark, Impala, Crunch, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Kafka, Flume, Kite, Hue, Oozie, DataFu, and many others (See a full list). In addition the cluster also comes with Python (2.6 and 3.4), Perl 5.10, Elephant Bird, Cascading 2.6, Brickhouse, Hive Swarm, Scala 2.11, Scalding, IDEA, Sublime, Eclipse, and NetBeans.

New Contributor

How do we actually access Eclipse, as it is a desktop IDE? The same goes to IDEA?

Super Collaborator

You access the IDEs by clickinging on the icon on the desktop.

New Contributor

If I don't have preinstalled on my local desktop any IDEs than I don't get it how do I click on the decktop on the icon?


Or is it like remote desktop to one of the cluster's machines?



Super Collaborator

You are making a connection from your browser to a remote cluster running in AWS.  Your browser will become a virtual desktop, complete with IDEs, teminals, etc.

New Contributor



Is this we are accessing with VNC or through browser.


I am taking this course.


If we have to access the Idea from remote then it will be very slow.


For doing hands on it will be quite slow.


Do you provide any exam practice sandbox like HortonWorks. It will be very helpfull.

Super Collaborator

You are making a connection from your browser to a remote cluster running in AWS.  Your browser will become a virtual desktop, complete with IDEs, teminals, etc.


If you want a free environment to practice in, you can download the Cloudera Quickstart VM.  Here is a link to the latest version:

New Contributor

Thank you very much.

I downloded  cloudera VM and started using it.


One important thing I want to know is, since you said that we will be connecting through browser to remote AWS EC2 instance. In that case browser will become virtual desktop.

That means we will be using the ports HTTP 80 or HTTPS 443 and it should work behind the firewall also.

Since I want an uninterrupted connectivity during exm I am planning to take it from my office in the late evening time.

If it can work also behind firewall it will help to solve my uninterrupted connectivity problem.

Kindly confirm.


Is there any way to test it before exam ?


Best Regards,






Super Collaborator

The vnc software that will set up your remote desktop will be using port 20443.  I don't know of any way to test that your company firewall will allow access to that port.