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CDP services behind Reverse proxy

New Contributor


we have installed a CDP cluster 7.1.7

All the CDP consoles (cmf, hue, etc…) are under a network architecture that consists of:

  1. A BigIP LB (F5) that receive a call from the user to a fixed url on port 443 (i.e.:https://loadbalancername:443/cmf, https://loadbalancername:443/hue). That call is passed to a Revers Proxy.

  2. The Reverse Proxy receive the url and based on the contexts indicated turn the call to a back end LB with the Cloudera port to contact (i.e.: 7183 if the context is cmf, 8888 if the context is hue)

  3. The back end LB finally turn the call to the server exposing the service.

We are facing an issue on all the console because every service (cmf, hue, etc…) calls a /static context to download static components (css, js, etc…) and we can set only one rule for this context.  

This behavior doesn’t work for our solution. Is there a way to modify this static context, for example renaming it? (/static context for cmf console can be renamed in /cmf_static, /static context for hue console can be renamed in /hue_static). Or another way to configure context?
Thank you
Best regards