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Calling nifi Api using Postman




I have a secured Nifi cluster. Im trying to call a nifi api to start\stop processor using postman. I followed the instruction for the api "PUT /processors/{id}/run-status". Provided the Bearer token and the Json Body. However I keep getting 403 Forbidden message. Does anybody know why? I'm able to run other APIs successfully such as getting processor info "GET /processors/{id}"! Im guessing its because Im using SSL secured nifi with jks keystore and truststore, but not sure how to provide this information to postman. Can anyone help please?




Hi Andre,

Thanks again for taking the time and look into my access policy files. If you have noticed in the users.xml I have created an admin group with id "1966f436-0180-1000-ffff-ffffd1d17786" that the user "168b019c-0180-1000-ffff-fffffbf36c3a" is part of, this user group should have access to everything on the nifi canvas so Im assuming my user id implicitly will have access to everything as well, is that correct? even with that I went and give access to my user id explicitly to the target processor group with permission to view, modify and operate component, but still getting the 403 error! Keep in mind when I call the same API using nifi InovkeHttp providing the same access token it only works when I provide SSL Context Service that points to the same truststore & keystore files used to secure the nifi instance, could that be the problem in postman since I did not provide the SSL context there even though Im using https in the url? Im not sure how this can be configured in postman. Thanks for your help.


Hello bro @SAMSAL , were you successfully control the nifi component using postman? If yes, would it be okay to share your countermeasure. Currently encountering the same issue that you had. Thanks in advance.