After Feb 8, Public Repository on Ambari 2.6 is forbidden,
but i used Public Repository unitl Feb 4.
I don't know why it suddenly doesn't work.
I want to use Public Repository at 'Selcet Version' section in 'CLUSTER INSTALL WIZARD'.
When i click 'Use Public Repository', Base URL(HDP-2.6) is written as '' and HDP-UTILS- is written as ''
When i enter the Base URL in Chrome to check, it post 'This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.' and '<Error>'
I think it's server has problem.
of course, the hosts can access the Internet.
When i do 'CLUSTER INSTALL WIZRD', Host is failed on 'Confirm Hosts' section.
And the ERROR occur like below.
'ERROR: Bootstrap of host ethanolsub fails because previous action finished with non-zero exit code (255)
ERROR MESSAGE: Connection to ethanolsub closed.'
Please help me, how can i access to public repository