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Can't enable Ranger Service for HDFS through cloudera manager



I am having troubles with Ranger Service configuration for HDFS.

Once opened the Cloudera Manager panel I go to: Clusters -> HDFS -> configuration, then I look up for "ranger" to enable this setting:


The issue is that just after I saved the changes whenever I move to another webpage the setting is lost. Microsoft Edge would pop up a message saying "if you leave now some setting could go lost". This happens ONLY when I try to change this setting (Ranger Service for HDFS). It doesn't happen when I modify other values for HDFS or other services.

Basically I can't use Ranger for HDFS. Can someone help me on this ? Why cloudera manager won't properly save this setting ? 



Can someone help me with this ? 

Super Collaborator

To enable Ranger authorization for HDFS on the same cluster we should not select the Ranger service dependency but we should select the 'Enable Ranger Authorization' checkbox instead of the Ranger service under HDFS.

In the base cluster, even if you select / check the box for "Ranger_service", the CM seem to indicate saving configuration successfully, but that box will never be checked, and a warning message will be logged in CM server logs indicating "CyclicDependencyConfigUpdateListener - Unsetting dependency from service hdfs to service ranger to prevent cyclic dependency".

Refer the below article which is for Solr-Ranger dependency.