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Can there be 2 Authentication Provider in 1 Knox Topology?

Super Collaborator

Can I configure two authentication provider for Knox and if how would that work?


Master Guru

As far as I know, up to Knox-0.6 (currently used in HDP) there can be only one Auth. provider per topology. Last time when I faced such a requirement I created two topologies, one for each Auth. provider.

Edit: KNOX-236 is going to provide such a feature but "in the future".

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Master Guru

As far as I know, up to Knox-0.6 (currently used in HDP) there can be only one Auth. provider per topology. Last time when I faced such a requirement I created two topologies, one for each Auth. provider.

Edit: KNOX-236 is going to provide such a feature but "in the future".


It is technically possible to have more than one authentication provider in a given topology but the result is unlikely to be what is expected. The first reason might be that all but one of them is enabled=false so that there is in effect only one. The other possibility is that a given custom service in a topology requires a specific authentication provider implementation. In this case the first enabled authentication provider in the topology would be the default and the custom service would identify a specific authentication provide by role and name in its service.xml file.