Created 03-03-2017 02:09 PM
If I am adding a property from UI it is giving me an error saying property is not valid
Although using UpdateAttribute processor we update the existing attribute but I am looking for ways to add new property in a processor say 'GetFile' and I want to add a property say 'nickname'
PFA image of same
Created 03-03-2017 02:23 PM
If you are trying to add an attribute to a flow file, you can use UpdateAttribute for that. If you are trying to add a property to a processor, then it depends on the processor whether it supports dynamic (or "User-Defined") properties. If a processor does not support dynamic properties, then when you try to add one, the processor will be deemed invalid.
Created 03-03-2017 02:11 PM
Created 03-03-2017 02:23 PM
If you are trying to add an attribute to a flow file, you can use UpdateAttribute for that. If you are trying to add a property to a processor, then it depends on the processor whether it supports dynamic (or "User-Defined") properties. If a processor does not support dynamic properties, then when you try to add one, the processor will be deemed invalid.
Created 03-03-2017 02:36 PM
Thank your for your response.
Which all processor supports dynamic properties. Any link would be helpful.
Created 03-03-2017 02:49 PM
Processors that support dynamic properties will include that information in their associated documentation.
You can access processor documentation specific the NiFi release you are running via help found in the menu located in the upper right corner of the NiFi UI.
You can also find the latest Apache NiFi version processor documentation here:
As an example of a processor that supports dynamic properties, look at GenerateFlowFile or UpdateAttribute.
Created 03-03-2017 02:54 PM
Hi Matt,
Thank you I understood it now, I will go through documentation to learn more on this.