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Can we integrate an external Nifi cluster with Atlas?


Hi All,
I want to integrate my Atlas installation available in Cloudera with external Nifi Cluster , which is outside the Hortonworks Data Platform.
Would you please support me to know whether it's possible or it is mandatory that the Nifi cluster needs to exist within the HDP itself ? 

Thanks a lot for your support,



Rising Star


The answer would be no.


I once came into a support case. A customer wanted to use NiFi to integrate with an external Ranger, which means that NiFi and Ranger are not under the same Ambari management.
Ranger's SME told us that this is impossible.
At least this is not within the scope of Cloudera's technical support.
The logic should be the same for Atlas.


However, if you know enough about Ranger and Ambari, it should still be possible technically in theory.