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Cannot run YARN on Ozone in CDP 7.1.1




I wanted to test Ozone so I installed CDP 7.1.1 and setup OzoneFS according to the not-so-accurate documentation.


The FS itself seems to work. I am able to use hdfs commands to see files in ozone, create directories and upload local files. However, YARN does not work so well with Ozone.

If I try to create jobHistory directory or install MapReduce framework jars from the Yarn CM Menu then it fails and says it does not recognize the OzoneFS jars. I get:

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class org.apache.hadoop.fs.ozone.OzoneFileSystem not found

 I tried adding the jar (hadoop-ozone-filesystem-lib-current- to MR application classpath and YARN application classpath. I also tried to add as the value of mapreduce.application.classpath in mapred-site.xml,

But none of them made it recognize the class and work.


Did anyone have success running YARN over Ozone ? What am I missing ?


Thank you




Master Collaborator

Can you verify one, whether did you followed all the steps listed in the documentation?