Created 07-26-2023 09:37 PM
I got an error when creating external table with multiple delimiter such as "||".
It says "Cannot validate serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.MultiDelimitSerDe". I have tried add jar hive-contribute.3.1.3.jar, but still not working and also using regex.
My Cloudera Version is CDH 6.1.1.
How to solve this problem so i can achieve to set multiple delimiter in hive create external table?
Please help.
Gideon Maruli
Bank Mayapada
Created 07-27-2023 11:39 PM
Hi @itdm_bmi
After adding the jar ,
Instead of
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.MultiDelimitSerde'
Please try
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.MultiDelimitSerDe'
Created 07-27-2023 01:16 AM
Hi @itdm_bmi
Can you share the output of
ls -l /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/jars| grep -i contrib
Also, may i know what exact add command you executed ?
Created 07-27-2023 01:33 AM
Hi @udeshmukh,
Here's the output
I had tried these 2 commands
1. add jar /usr/lib/hive/lib/hive-contrib-3.1.3.jar;
2. add jar /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-6.1.1-1.cdh6.1.1.p0.875250/jars/hive-contrib-3.1.3.jar;
Gideon Maruli
IT Data Management - Bank Mayapada
Created 07-27-2023 01:41 AM
Created 07-27-2023 03:18 AM
I did, but still get same error.
Created 07-27-2023 09:14 PM
Created 07-27-2023 11:39 PM
Hi @itdm_bmi
After adding the jar ,
Instead of
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.MultiDelimitSerde'
Please try
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.MultiDelimitSerDe'
Created 07-31-2023 08:47 AM
@itdm_bmi, Have the replies from @udeshmukh helped resolve your issue? If so, please mark the appropriate reply as the solution, as it will make it easier for others to find the answer in the future.
Vidya Sargur,Created 07-31-2023 09:21 PM
Sorry to make you waiting. Yes, that solution resolved the issue.
But i have 1 more issue.
After the data successfully inserted to textfile table. Then i need to insert the data to parquet table from textfile table. But it failed insert to parquet table. Error message: "[FATAL] 10:25:08 vaproject.vmlog_0_4.VMLOG- tHiveRow_1 Error while processing statement: FAILED: Execution Error, return code 2 from".
What is wrong or missing? Please need your help. Thank you.
Gideon Maruli
IT Data Management - Bank Mayapada