Now I can get info about cluster and get hight-level parameters, but I don't get info about hosts with info about cluster with help to:
api_instance = cm_client.ClustersResourceApi(cm_client)
clusters = api_instance.read_clusters(view="FULL")
cluster = clusters.item[0]
api_instance = cm_client.ServicesResourceApi(api_client)
services = api_instance.read_services(cluster.name, view="FULL")
api_instance = cm_client.HostsResourceApi(api_client)
hosts = api_instance.read_hosts()
In this case, after read_cluster I do not get information
about hosts and roles inside items, I need to get them separately.
Can I somehow "in one line" get information about the cluster and all the sheets nested in it? (Hosts, services, roles, etc.)