Created 03-04-2017 09:31 PM
Hi ,
I have downloaded quickstart Vm 5.8.0-0 Virtual Box.
When I am opening cloudera Manager, it is trying to connect to cloudera Manager.
it is not opening the cloudera Manager and just telling attempting to connect to cloudera manager.
I have assigned 8GB to this Virtual application. Then why is it not opening ?
Created 03-05-2017 08:34 AM
Lets get some additional information so others can help you faster. Can you describe the current system you have the VM set up on (RAM, Processors, Etc) as well as what has been allocated to the VM?
Here is a community article that you may also want to review to ensure the VM is set up correctly.
How to setup Cloudera Quickstart Virtual Machine
For eample in this situation:
Cloudera Manager is installed in the VM but is turned off by default. If you would like to use Cloudera Manager, open theLaunch Cloudera Manager icon on the desktop. It is strongly recommended that before you do so, you configure the VM with a minimum of 8 GiB of RAM and 2 virtual CPU cores (by default it will use 4 GiB of RAM and 1 virtual CPU core). Cloudera Manager and all of the CDH services might not launch properly with less RAM. After launching Cloudera Manager, all of the services in CDH are started, although it might take several minutes for Cloudera Manager to start all of the services. To conserve resources and improve performance, it is recommended that you stop services you do not plan to use. Changes made to configuration files before launching Cloudera Manager are not preserved.
You can start or reconfigure any installed services using the web interface that is automatically displayed when the VM starts.
Created on 04-19-2018 11:47 AM - edited 04-19-2018 11:49 AM
Yeah, I had the same problem and I found the culprit in this log, thanks.
When trying to start cloudera-scm-server it started correctly (apparently, it says OK in green), but it wasn't started. In the log /var/log/cloudera-scm-server/cloudera-scm-server.log I could see this error:
java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'cm'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
I was working with the VM with no problem days before and I didn't change anything. Why it just stopped working? I don't know. But with this post I tried root user instead of cm (changing /etc/cloudera-scm-server/ file) and it worked! 🙂
After changing the file I had to restart the services doing this:
Hope it helps!
Created on 04-19-2018 02:44 PM - edited 04-19-2018 03:03 PM
Now Hue doen't work... another password problem:
OperationalError: (1045, "Access denied for user 'hue'@'localhost' (using password: YES)")
I don't get it, I didn't change the password after the first Hue login.
The way to get the password is (if I am right):
creds.localjceks is a binary file, so I don't know what password is set in order to change hue password in linux account (I'm not sure if would fix the problem).
Cloudera Manager can't start Hue server because this error, how can I fix Hue?
PD: There is no need for password as I can test trying logging with hue user with mysql... so I tried to comment password line (previous 2º item) and still it is setting the pass. n-hue-HUE_SERVER is created when startint Hue server... so I need to find the original config.
Created 04-24-2018 04:11 AM
try using cloudera / cloudera for both username / password.
let me know if that helps
Created on 04-24-2018 05:21 AM - edited 04-24-2018 05:22 AM
The user/pass cloudera doesn't work in mysql, but even if it would worked it won't solve my problem.
The thing is, why suddently the access to cm/hue's mysql stop working? I mean 'cm'@'localhost' failed and I had to use root user. Now with HUE I can't use Hue user with the defined password.
In order to continue using cloudera VM I have created another VM and works well.
Created 06-24-2018 11:56 AM
Created 09-28-2018 01:03 PM
I Have downloaded clodera quickstart 5.13.x and allocated 9 gb ram and 2 processors
Still i am facing hangout issue when i am open cloudera manager,
Could you please help on this issue