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Cloudera Virtual private cluster

Expert Contributor

Hi, everyone


since my company is a group which has many Subsidiary company, so i am thinking about Cloudera Virtual private cluster solution is good for me or not .


all the data save in the base cluster, and if there are new project or business need separate compute resource, then i just arrange a fews machines as a new compute cluster like hive or Flink . i mean this kind architecture is quite clear for me to calculate the resource.


but i don't have any experiences on VPC, does anyone have this kind experience, could you share to me what's your experience or thinking ?




Expert Contributor



A lot details are provided here to your questions


Just to highlight a few points

1. not all components are available for VPC, limited to the following (no Flink)

Only the following services can be installed on Compute clusters:

  • Hive Execution Service (This service supplies the HiveServer2 role only.)
  • Hue
  • Kafka
  • Spark 2
  • Oozie (only when Hue is available, and is a requirement for Hue)
  • YARN
  • HDFS (required)

2. data will be transferred to VPC during runtime, so check the network, performance requirements etc

3. only certain versions of the platform supports VPC, limited to the following:

  • CDH 5.15
  • CDH 5.16
  • CDH 6.0
  • CDH 6.1
  • CDH 6.2
  • CDH 6.3
  • Cloudera Runtime 7.0.3
  • Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 and higher

4. it is good you need to add temp compute resources to your cluster for some ad-hoc workloads, but it has the trade-off of the performance (refer to point 2)

5. VPC can be fully managed using Cloudera Manager, so it is a fairly easy process to implement