Created 02-20-2022 02:53 AM
I am trying to read records from a SQL source and put them in a s3 bucket.
Currently my flow is as follows:
QueryDBTableRecord (SQL record to CSV) >>> ConvertRecord (CSV to JSON conversion) >>> JOLT (Rarrange the json to suit) >>> PutS3Oject (Duh)
Firstly is this a valid route? It seems like there has been a lot of changes in the last few years and many tutorials are outdated and I think this is the current best practise.
Secondly if this is correct, I'm struggling with the JOLT format. I want to transform this:
into this:
I've made a start with:
And this moves the two items up to the upper level as desired but I am struggling to make pairs from the data points instead of getting a flat array.
Created 02-20-2022 03:39 AM
The spec below does almost what you need. The only thing is that your data points are numbered starting from 1 and JSON array are zero-based, so when the Jolt transformation is applied the first element of the "measures" array is left null.
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"LevelID": "assetId",
"PLCTime": "datapoints[0].timestamp",
"Data*Type": "datapoints[0].measures[&(0,1)].name",
"Data*": "datapoints[0].measures[&(0,1)].value"
Created 02-20-2022 05:31 PM
I've added a "remove" operation to the chain to solve the problem I mentioned in the last post, removing the "null" in the first position of the "measures" array:
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"LevelID": "assetId",
"PLCTime": "datapoints[0].timestamp",
"Data*Type": "datapoints[0].measures[&(0,1)].name",
"Data*": "datapoints[0].measures[&(0,1)].value"
"operation": "remove",
"spec": {
"datapoints": {
"*": {
"measures": {
"0": ""
This should give you the exact output you were looking for.