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Correct python version for python extension



Anyone knows if there is compatibility issue for using python exntension with the latest python version 3.12. To me the 3.12 doesnt seem to work well with the python extension and I keep getting the following error :

AttributeError: 'FileFinder' object has no attribute 'find_module'
2024-05-16 22:12:52,884 ERROR python.ExtensionManager Failed to load Python extensions from module file <Unknown Module File>. This module will be ignored.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "F:\NIFI-PORD-ENV-2.0.0-M2\python\framework\", line 186, in __discover_extensions_from_paths
module = finder.find_module(name)

The error seems to go away when using 3.11.*




I read somewhere that for now python version from 3.9 to 3.11 are supported. A version below or above causes error.


Thanks @AsifArmanRahman . I thought I read it somewhere as well but I cant remember nor I can find anything about this in the traditional guides online including release notes. I hope the owners do a better job documenting these things since it saves people a lot of headache and time.


Ah I found it. In M1 guide it's mentioned python 3.9+, M2 guide it's mentioned 3.9 to 3.11 and 3.12 is not yet supported and finally in M3 guide 3.12 is supported as well. I'm just adding direct link of M3 guide for where it's mentioned below

NiFi Python Developer’s Guide (