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Could not find leader nimbus from seed hosts [localhost]. Did you specify a valid list of nimbus hosts for config nimbus.seeds

New Contributor

We enabled kerberos on the cluster, have enabled HA for nimbus and created the kerberos ticket on the commandline in the edgenode with appropriate rights in ranger for the principal. when running a sample topology of wordcount in this manner storm jar myStorm-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar com.storm.test.myStorm.helloStorm /home/BBattin/storm_test/input.txt

we are getting the following error

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find leader nimbus from seed hosts [localhost]. Did you specify a valid list of nimbus hosts for config nimbus.seeds at backtype.storm.utils.NimbusClient.getConfiguredClientAs( at backtype.storm.StormSubmitter.submitTopologyAs( at backtype.storm.StormSubmitter.submitTopology( at backtype.storm.StormSubmitter.submitTopology( at com.storm.test.myStorm.helloStorm.main(

please help


Master Mentor
@brahmasree b

please review information in this doc

Add the following settings to the /etc/storm/conf/storm.yaml configuration file:

nimbus.seeds: <nimbus-host-array>
nimbus.thrift.port: 6667 "/etc/storm/conf/client_jaas.conf"
storm.thrift.transport: ""

where <nimbus-host-array> is an array of hostnames running Nimbus. (The value should come from /etc/storm/conf/storm.yaml.) For example:

nimbus.seeds: ["", ""]

Super Collaborator

@Artem Ervits, this solution still give me the same issue. Also I have these changes on the edge node. That is correct right?

@brahmasree b did you find solution to this question? if so can you please post

Expert Contributor
@brahmasree b

Connect to zookeeper and delete the znode dir related to storm service and restart both "zookeeper" and "storm" service.

/usr/hdp/current/zookeeper-server/bin/ -server <hostname>:2181

[zk: <hostname>:2181(CONNECTED) 0]ls /

[zk: <hostname>:2181(CONNECTED) 0]rmr /storm