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Datanodes report block count more than threshold on datanode and Namenode

Expert Contributor



I have 3 node cluster running on CentOS 6.7. Since a week I can see warning on all 3 nodes block count more than threshold. My Namenode is also used as DataNode.


Its more or less like this on all 3 nodes.


Concerning : The DataNode has 1,823,093 blocks. Warning threshold: 500,000 block(s). 


I know this means the problem of growing small files. I have website data (unstructured) on hdfs, they contain jpg, mpeg, css, js, xml, html types of data.


I dont know how to deal with this problem. Please help.


The output of the following command on NameNode is:


[hdfs@XXXXNode01 ~]$ hadoop fs -ls -R / |wc -l










You can try any one or two or all the options

1. CM -> HDFS -> Actions -> Rebalance

2. a. CM -> HDFS -> WebUI -> Namenode WebUI -> It will open a new page -> Datanodes menu -> Check the blocks count under each node
b. CM -> HDFS -> Configuration -> DataNode Block Count Thresholds -> Increase the block count threshold and it should be greater than step a

3. Deleted files from HDFS will be moved to trash and it will be automatically deleted, so make sure auto delete is working fine if not Purge the trash directory. Also delete some unwanted files from hosts to save some disk space.

Expert Contributor

 Thanks @saranvisa.


I tried to do rebalance but it did not help.


The number of blocks on each node is too high and my threshold is 500,000. Do you think adding some disk in the server and then changing the threshold would help?


hdfs blocks.PNG






It seems in your case, you have to

1. add additional disk/node

2. try rebalance after that

3. changing the threshold to a reasonable value. Because this threshold will help you to fix the issue before it breaks

Master Collaborator

@ShilpaSinha what is the total size of your cluster and the total blocks.


Seems you are writing too much small files.


1- Adding more nodes or disk to handle number of blocks isn't the ideal solution.


2- If you have an enough memory in the namenode, and the storage is fine in the cluster, just add more memory for the namenode service.


3- If you have a scheduled jobs try to figure which job is writing too many files and reduce it's frequency.


4- The best solution to handle this issue is to use a compaction process as part of the job or a separated one.




@ShilpaSinha I am also kind of agree with @Fawze because there will be multiple options for the same issue


I've suggested to add addition node in my 2nd update as the total capacity of your cluster is very less (not even 1 TB). So if it is affordable for you better add additional node, also consider the suggestion from @Fawze to compress the files


As mentioned already you don't need to follow "either this or other option", you can try all the possible options to keep your environment better

Expert Contributor

Hi @saranvisa and @Fawze


I have increased the RAM of my NN from 56GB 112GB and increased the heap and java memory of the configs. However I still face the issue. Due to some client work I cannot increase the disk untill this friday. Will update once i do that.



Master Collaborator
No need to increase the RAM for the server, it will enough to increase the
memory for the NN service, 125GB is too much, increasing the memory willn't
solve the issue, but it will not overload the NN.

Expert Contributor

My current main configs after increasing the memory are:

yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb - 12GB
yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb - 16GB - 4GB
mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb - 4GB - 3GB - 3GB
namenode_java_heapsize - 6GB
secondarynamenode_java_heapsize - 6GB
dfs_datanode_max_locked_memory - 3GB

dfs blocksize - 128 MB

do you think I should change something?

Master Collaborator
all looks fine,

you can even reduce
