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Difficulty in starting program from my browser

New Contributor


I am a new user and I've just installed virtual box and trying to run sandbox on my windows. I have not been able to use the software successfully.

most times when I input localhost:1080 on my browser, I get 'error 540 bad Gateway'.

when I don't get that, my first screen on Ambari shows that the running process wasn't successful as most items on the left panel have red warning signals and some numbered alerts.

when I choose hive and try to restart all, it most times wont finish the process and I can't use the software.

The picture below shows what my screen looks like when I try to get into Ambari. 

I am a student and need to use the program for my learning and assessment in school.


Thank you

Ambari screen.jpg 



@Mosunmola In order to start Hive, you will need yarn and hdfs started first.   Do not restart all.  The sandbox environment is going to require a very robust computer to run the entire stack, like 32gb+ memory.  That said, a 16gbs or less memory may not be enough to run multiple services depending on what else may be running on your machine.  So start and stop only what you need to test, not the entire stack.