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Does ExecuteSQL processor allow to execute stored procedure ?
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Apache NiFi
Created ‎04-06-2016 12:02 PM
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Can I execute stored procedure on database using ExecuteSQL proessor ? Is there any sample ?
Created ‎04-06-2016 12:16 PM
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I don't think so but maybe you can wrap the exec storedprocedure into a shell script or groovy and run it in ExecuteProcess/ExecuteScript?
Created ‎06-21-2022 03:50 AM
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Can you please tell me how it worked for you?
Created ‎02-19-2018 09:22 AM
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@Artem Ervits Do you have any sample groovy code which execute Stored Pprocedue with input and output parameter ?
Created ‎03-22-2018 07:05 AM
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Solved using the Groovy Code.
Stored PROC using the following input and output.
in_track_id IN NUMBER,
in_username IN VARCHAR2,
in_course_no IN VARCHAR2,
out_details OUT SYS_REFCURSOR,
out_status_code OUT NUMBER,
out_status_desc OUT VARCHAR2
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils import org.apache.nifi.controller.ControllerService import org.apache.nifi.processor.io.StreamCallback import java.nio.charset.* import groovy.sql.OutParameter import groovy.sql.Sql import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes import java.sql.ResultSet //DB Setting Start //Harcoded connection string //def sql = Sql.newInstance('jdbc:oracle:thin:@//ecuxxx.xxx.xxx.net:1526/dbSchema', 'UserID', 'UserPass$', 'oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver') //Get the conncation string from NIFI conncation pool def lookup = context.controllerServiceLookup def dbServiceName = ConncationPool.value def dbcpServiceId = lookup.getControllerServiceIdentifiers(ControllerService).find { cs -> lookup.getControllerServiceName(cs) == dbServiceName } def conn = lookup.getControllerService(dbcpServiceId).getConnection(); sql = Sql.newInstance(conn); ////Get the session values from Nifi flow Start def flowFile = session.get() if(!flowFile) return in_track_id = flowFile.getAttribute('body_track_id') in_username = flowFile.getAttribute('body_username') in_course_no = flowFile.getAttribute('body_course_number') ////Get the session values from Nifi flow END // special OutParameter for cursor type OutParameter CURSOR_PARAMETER = new OutParameter() { public int getType() { return OracleTypes.CURSOR; } }; def data = [] // Stored proc having 3 input and 3 out put, one out put having CURSOR datatype String sqlString ="""{call <StoredPrcoName>(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}"""; // rs contains the result set of cursor and data values start Shakeel def status_desc def status_code def status_data //def parametersList = ['20585', 'A3843UP', '00009934', CURSOR_PARAMETER, Sql.NUMERIC ,Sql.VARCHAR]; // testing purpose def parametersList = [in_track_id, in_username, in_course_no, CURSOR_PARAMETER, Sql.NUMERIC ,Sql.VARCHAR]; sql.call(sqlString, parametersList) {out_details, out_status_code,out_status_desc -> status_desc = out_status_desc status_code = out_status_code out_details.eachRow { data << it.toRowResult() status_data = data } }; // rs contains the result set of cursor and data values end //Set the session values start def attrMap = ['status_desc':status_desc, 'status_code':String.valueOf(status_code),'status_data':String.valueOf(status_data),'Conn':String.valueOf(conn)] flowFile = session.putAllAttributes(flowFile, attrMap) session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
Created ‎01-15-2019 04:50 PM
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I got error when trying SQLCMD using the following ExecuteProcess:
Anyone had the same issue?
Created ‎09-17-2019 09:16 AM
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Yes you can. This is the query i put in the "SQL select query" property to call the stored procedure:
EXEC [dbo].[usp_Service_Requests] @Service_request_num='${serviceRequestNumber}'
Created ‎09-24-2019 03:01 AM
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What is your nifi version?
Created on ‎12-11-2019 11:23 AM - edited ‎12-11-2019 11:27 AM
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Hi all!!
Im noob but i can execute a oracle procedure into a package using PutSql Processor.
So enjoy it..
PutSql Processor configuration
Oracle Sentence
declare codigo NUMBER; mensaje VARCHAR2(500); begin pkg_name.prc_name(${block},${txseq},${item},codigo,mensaje); end;
create or replace PACKAGE pkg_name is
PROCEDURE prc_name (
p_block IN NUMBER,
p_txseq IN NUMBER,
p_item IN NUMBER,
p_cod_error OUT NUMBER,
p_msj_error OUT VARCHAR2
end pkg_name;
create or replace PACKAGE BODY pkg_name IS
PROCEDURE prc_name (
p_block IN NUMBER,
p_txseq IN NUMBER,
p_item IN NUMBER,
p_cod_error OUT NUMBER,
p_msj_error OUT VARCHAR2
) IS
v_id VARCHAR2(20);
v_tag VARCHAR2(20);
v_item_id VARCHAR2(20);
e_error EXCEPTION;
e_no_procesado EXCEPTION;
UPDATE paf_tablename paf
paf.status = 'P',
paf.cod_err = 0,
paf.msg_err = 'Procesado'
paf.block = p_block
AND paf.item = p_item
AND paf.txseq = p_txseq;
p_cod_error := 0;
p_msj_error := 'correcto';
p_cod_error := 9000;
p_msj_error := 'Error al procesar bloque '
|| p_block
|| ' Transaccion '
|| p_txseq
|| ' item '
|| p_item
|| ' '
|| substr(sqlerrm, 1, 100);
END prc_name;
END pkg_name;
Sorry my english.
Created ‎06-18-2021 05:39 PM
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The simplest solution at least for SQL Server is using the PuFile processor and simply putting your EXEC or EXECUTE statement in there. Look at my other answer here to see how to configure it and an example.
Created ‎02-11-2022 12:11 AM
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can you tell me how do you create your parameters (${block},${txseq},${item}) in processor before this one so that you can pass them to plsqp procedure? Can you give me whole flow because this solution is not working for me now...
Thank you 😄
Created ‎02-11-2022 04:42 AM
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In my case, these parameters are filtered after a call to a web service, so my solution won't work for you.
Can you show us how you're doing it?