Created 11-11-2016 01:50 PM
I am looking for the easy explanation on Map Reduce phase - From InputSplit to Reducer .
Role of InputSplit ,RecordReader for Map Phase
When Shuffle/Sort Phase run
Partition phase
How the data goes to reducer
Created 11-11-2016 04:09 PM
This is a good high-level (easy) explanation:
To really understand it, you need to dive deep. For example, mapper stage writes to local disk through a buffer which then spills to disk; this intermediate data is sent across the network to reducer(s). To really understand map-reduce (so you can optimize performance) reading this book is a good way to go:
You can write your own map-reduce programs but they are typically implemented when you run a hive or pig job.
If you are running hive or pig queries, you should run it in tez mode. Tez is an alternative processing engine to map-reduce which is much faster.
Created 11-11-2016 04:09 PM
This is a good high-level (easy) explanation:
To really understand it, you need to dive deep. For example, mapper stage writes to local disk through a buffer which then spills to disk; this intermediate data is sent across the network to reducer(s). To really understand map-reduce (so you can optimize performance) reading this book is a good way to go:
You can write your own map-reduce programs but they are typically implemented when you run a hive or pig job.
If you are running hive or pig queries, you should run it in tez mode. Tez is an alternative processing engine to map-reduce which is much faster.
Created 11-14-2016 03:53 PM
Hi Amith,
Please refer this video he has explained very well MapReduce flow chart. Hope this will be useful.