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Error Connection Reset on Impala Shell when select table

New Contributor

Hi All, i'm new on Cloudera & Hadoop.

I get error on my system.
When i select table from impala-shell, i got error connection time out [before this, system is normal, and i didn't change configuration]. And then i found solution from forum and download mysql-connector-java again and apply to /usr/share/java. But after i update mysql-connector-java, i got another error :

ERROR: AnalysisException: Failed to load metadata for table: ibn.test
CAUSED BY: TableLoadingException: Failed to load metadata for table: ibn.test. Running 'invalidate metadata ibn.test' may resolve this problem.
CAUSED BY: TTransportException: Connection reset
CAUSED BY: SocketException: Connection reset
Can anyone help me?


New Contributor

i found how to solve this error :

update mysql driver > mysql-connection-java

hive --service hiveserver
hive --service metastore
service iptables stop
restart hive-server
restart impala-server
restart mysql server
invalidate metadata table
refresh table


i think this issue becouce connection between hive and mysql that store metastore

View solution in original post


New Contributor

i found how to solve this error :

update mysql driver > mysql-connection-java

hive --service hiveserver
hive --service metastore
service iptables stop
restart hive-server
restart impala-server
restart mysql server
invalidate metadata table
refresh table


i think this issue becouce connection between hive and mysql that store metastore