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Error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.curator.utils.PathUtils.validatePath(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
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Apache Spark
Created ‎06-01-2018 05:36 PM
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artifact org.apache.curator, version 2.7.1 and higher doesn't work in a spark job.
pom.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd"> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>com.test</groupId> <artifactId>test</artifactId> <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version> <packaging>jar</packaging> <name>"test"</name> <build> <plugins> <plugin> <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId> <executions> <execution> <id>test</id> </execution> </executions> </plugin> </plugins> </build> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.curator</groupId> <artifactId>curator-client</artifactId> <version>2.7.1</version> </dependency> </dependencies> </project>
Source code:
cat src/main/java/com/test/Test.java
package com.test; import org.apache.curator.utils.PathUtils; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { PathUtils.validatePath("/tmp"); } }
The result is
spark-submit --class com.test.Test --master local test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.curator.utils.PathUtils.validatePath(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; at com.test.Test.main(Test.java:7) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.org$apache$spark$deploy$SparkSubmit$$runMain(SparkSubmit.scala:731) at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.doRunMain$1(SparkSubmit.scala:181) at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.submit(SparkSubmit.scala:206) at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.main(SparkSubmit.scala:121) at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.main(SparkSubmit.scala)
The issue is replicated in spark version 1.6.2 and Can you please help to resolve this issue?
Created ‎06-01-2018 05:46 PM
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Perhaps when you are packaging your jar file is not adding the curator-client jar correctly to the fat jar.
I tested the following and it works fine:
1. wget http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/curator/curator-client/2.7.1/curator-client-2.7.1.jar
2. spark-shell --jar curator-client-2.7.1.jar
scala> import org.apache.curator.utils.PathUtils; import org.apache.curator.utils.PathUtils scala> PathUtils.validatePath("/tmp")
No errors thrown while running the above. You can try adding the --jars and point to the jar file as well and see if that helps.
spark-submit --jars curator-client-2.7.1.jar --class com.test.Test --master local test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Otherwise I suggest you check your fat/uber jar.
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Created ‎06-01-2018 05:46 PM
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Perhaps when you are packaging your jar file is not adding the curator-client jar correctly to the fat jar.
I tested the following and it works fine:
1. wget http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/curator/curator-client/2.7.1/curator-client-2.7.1.jar
2. spark-shell --jar curator-client-2.7.1.jar
scala> import org.apache.curator.utils.PathUtils; import org.apache.curator.utils.PathUtils scala> PathUtils.validatePath("/tmp")
No errors thrown while running the above. You can try adding the --jars and point to the jar file as well and see if that helps.
spark-submit --jars curator-client-2.7.1.jar --class com.test.Test --master local test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Otherwise I suggest you check your fat/uber jar.
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Created ‎06-01-2018 07:21 PM
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@Felix Albani thank you for your answer, spark-shell in your sample works because it uses embedded PathUtils artifact:
scala> classOf[PathUtils].getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation() res1: java.net.URL = file:/usr/hdp/<br>
In my sample I have only one dependency, so the issue can't be caused by the fat jar.
Using --jars curator-client-2.7.1.jar with spark-submit doesn't resolve the issue.
Created ‎06-01-2018 08:00 PM
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@Maxim Dashenko sorry about that. The following is working fine:
spark-shell --driver-class-path curator-client-2.7.1.jar scala> import org.apache.curator.utils.PathUtils; import org.apache.curator.utils.PathUtils scala> classOf[PathUtils].getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation() res0: java.net.URL = file:/root/curator-client-2.7.1.jar
Try adding --driver-class-path curator-client-2.7.1.jar to your spark-submit and let me know if it works fine. Also you may want to try using --conf spark.driver.userClassPathFirst=true with the jar and see if that helps.
Created ‎06-01-2018 08:43 PM
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@Felix Albani using --driver-class-path curator-client-2.7.1.jar for spark-submit has resolved the issue, thank you very much for your help!
Created ‎06-01-2018 08:49 PM
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@Maxim Dashenko I'm glad it got resolved. Please take a moment to login and click the "accept" link on the answer!