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Error: No package ambari-metrics-collector available

Expert Contributor

Amabari installation failed, the log file -->Installing package ambari-metrics-collector ('/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install ambari-metrics-collector') command failed

on my ambari server, I dont have this package at all, anyhow, I copied HDP.repo, HDP-UTILS.repo to all data nodes then try to manually install ambari-metrics-collector, but I got following:

/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install ambari-metrics-collector Error: Nothing to do

/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install ambari-metrics-collector Error: Nothing to do

these errors repeatedly stop my installation. and my repo was downloaded as:

1. I used this repo -->

2. I used AWS/EC2 m4.large with 20 gb for Root dir and 100 EBS(magnetic), I ignored the metrics_collector_heap_size warnings, because if I following the recommended size to modify them, it would come up with the second recommended size, I even go as far as 7 times edit these numbers, never done with it.

3. Any one had the same issue like mine? if the storage setting here matters? what is a good combination of these metrics_collector_heap_size, xmn_size and master_heap_size?

4. the type of instance are different, different RAM, these heap_size will depends, what to follow? isnt this HDP job?

thank so much for you help.


Master Mentor

@Robin Dong

1. Are you running AMS in embedded mode or in external mode?

2. What are the errors you see in the ambari-metrics-collector.log file when you are trying to start it?

3. In your attached screenshot we see NameNode UI, HBaseMaster, NodeManager related critical alerts that might not be directly related to the AMS startup issue. But if in order to see what is going wrong we can take a look on those components logs as well.

4. Do you have sufficient memory on your Host where you are running these processes?

# free -m
# lsof -p $PID


5. All the hosts are configured with correct FQDN ? Means the "hostname -f" command output should be resolvable from each clusternodes.

# hostname -f


6. Also can you please check if the Hostname & Port mentioned in the critical alert mentioned in the screen shot are opened or not? Or if there is any firewall issue that is blocking the port access.

# telnet  ip-172-31-1-92   $PORT


View solution in original post


Expert Contributor

oh, my ambari service is external mode, use, if this is so called external mode.

after ambari-server reset, I got the same error. the repo is:

rpm -qa|grep ambari-metrics -- show all packages are installed.

so the hbase configure info is the problem. it refuse the connection. I dont need to edit hbase configure with ambari 2.4 in the past at all. any changes on HDP?



Expert Contributor

oh, my ambari service is external mode, use, if this is so called external mode.

after ambari-server reset, I got the same error. the repo is:

rpm -qa|grep ambari-metrics -- show all packages are installed.

so the hbase configure info is the problem. it refuse the connection. I dont need to edit hbase configure with ambari 2.4 in the past at all. any changes on HDP?



Expert Contributor

oh, my ambari service is external mode, use, if this is so called external mode.

after ambari-server reset, I got the same error. the repo is:

rpm -qa|grep ambari-metrics -- show all packages are installed.

so the hbase configure info is the problem. it refuse the connection. I dont need to edit hbase configure with ambari 2.4 in the past at all. any changes on HDP?



Expert Contributor

oh, my ambari service is external mode, use, if this is so called external mode.

after ambari-server reset, I got the same error. the repo is:

rpm -qa|grep ambari-metrics -- show all packages are installed.

so the hbase configure info is the problem. it refuse the connection. I dont need to edit hbase configure with ambari 2.4 in the past at all. any changes on HDP?

