2018-08-31 09:44:15,482 WARN - Required config(s): registry-logsearch-conf is(are) not available for service REGISTRY with service config version 6 in cluster hdfcluster
2018-08-31 09:44:15,483 WARN - Required config(s): streamline-logsearch-conf is(are) not available for service STREAMLINE with service config version 7 in cluster hdfcluster
2018-08-31 09:44:15,483 WARN - Required config(s): nifi-logsearch-conf is(are) not available for service NIFI with service config version 13 in cluster hdfcluster
I followed '' to upgrade hdf. When I was going to upgrade on UI, I found all services unable to start. The ambari server host are 'heart beat lost',and other hosts are normal.