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Errror : Class org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.MultiDelimitSerDe not found


I am trying to load data into hive table where delimiter is "||-||" and trying to store into parquet file format .

The first step which include loading the data which is done and the next stage when I tried to convert into parquet . I got error "Class org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.MultiDelimitSerDe not found".

This is what I have tried:

create table sms_testInit (
sMessageId       String ,
sResellerName        String ,
sDistributorName     String ,
sUserName            String ,
sSender              String  ,
sAltSender           String  ,
sMessage             String  ,
sType                String  ,
iLength              INT,
sMobileno            String ,
iDCostPerSms         decimal(10,5) ,
iDCreditsDeducted    decimal(10,5)  ,
iRCostPerSms         decimal(10,5) ,
iRCreditsDeducted    decimal(10,5),
iCostPerSms          decimal(10,5) ,
iCreditsDeducted     decimal(10,5), 
iBatchId          INT   
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.MultiDelimitSerDe'
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ("field.delim"="||-||") ;

load data inpath '/path/to_hdfs/raw_data' into table sms_testInit ;

At this stage I ain't got any error .


while converting this file format to parquet I recieved error :

create table sms_test(
sMessageId       String ,
sResellerName        String ,
sDistributorName     String ,
sUserName            String ,
sSender              String  ,
sAltSender           String  ,
sMessage             String  ,
sType                String  ,
iLength              INT,
sMobileno            String ,
iDCostPerSms         decimal(10,5) ,
iDCreditsDeducted    decimal(10,5)  ,
iRCostPerSms         decimal(10,5) ,
iRCreditsDeducted    decimal(10,5),
iCostPerSms          decimal(10,5) ,
iCreditsDeducted     decimal(10,5), 
iBatchId          INT   
) stored as PARQUET;

insert into table sms_test select * from sms_testInit ;

Class org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.MultiDelimitSerDe not found


I tried to load the hive-contrib-0.14.0.jar but unable to find the classpath .







Rising Star

What directory is your jar in? You can check Hive Auxilliary Jars Directory under Hive->Configuration