Created 10-25-2018 04:33 AM
I had a running executescript processor in python which worked fine till yesterday.But suddenly its throwing error as AttributeError: type object 'java.lang.Thread' has no attribute 'State' in <script> at line number 1.
Is there any issue with the processor?
Created 10-25-2018 04:38 AM
Can you please help
Created 10-25-2018 04:58 AM
@Matt Burgess Can you please help me out
Created 10-25-2018 01:28 PM
Do you have multiple concurrent tasks running? If so, you might be running into this issue, and the workaround seems to be to use a single task. If not, are you importing any native (CPython) libraries? You won't be able to do that with Jython, but I thought it gave a different error message in that case.
Created 10-26-2018 11:57 AM
@Matt BurgessThere is only single task and its not importing the CPython libraries.This job was working fine for 6 months now and all of a sudden it started failing with the error above in the executescript processor.